Monday, April 11, 2011

Moringa Tree

Here am I again sharing with you my latest article on a very powerful but lowly tree.
This grows easily in abundance in the Philippines. both in the rural and urban areas. Every backyard seems to have a tree or two of this "Malunggay" tree. If you happen to live in a condominium where you do not have any space to plant this tree, you can buy one or several bundles from the supermarket, market or "talipapa" (Sorry to my foreign readers if the word talipapa will sound "Greek" to you. This is a small mobile store that sells veggies, meat, poultry, etc and they are found along roads and streets. I am sorry I can not explain this any better.)The price of a bundle of Moringa leaves is very cheap. Yet - these leaves are a powerhouse of different anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals. LIVE HEALTHY WITH THE MORINGA TREE.

Here is the link to my article on Moringa -
Why Moringa Plant Is Dubbed As Miracle Tree, Know The Health Benefits

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