Saturday, April 28, 2012

Growing Celery At Home

Celery is one vegetable that is suitable for people who are conscious of their calorie intake. This plant is healthy food as it is a good source of minerals and vitamins sin calories. Yes, celery has zero or even negative calories. This is diuretic and is thus beneficial to people who are pre-hypertensive. This helps bring down the level of blood pressure.

Celery may be more difficult to grow than parsley, basil or other herbs. This is due to the long time it would require to be ready for harvest - about four months or 120 days. This is not easy to grow but supplying the plant’s requirements for thriving, it can flourish. It will need enough moisture for nourishment, controlled sunlight, right temperature and good soil (make it organic). This requires an abundant amount of nutrients in the soil because its small root system may be inadequate to siphon enough nutrients for its growth. To enrich the soil, mix compost and organic manure into the soil.

Planting celery starts with germination of the seed. This will be followed by transplanting, watering, fertilization and harvesting.

The seeds of the celery will be planted in the potting mixture. The seeds can only germinate in moist, warm and good soil. It takes about 2 ½ to 3 months for a strong seedling to come out from the seed. After planting, while waiting for the seed to germinate, the planter should be placed indoor. When the seedling has 3 or 4 leaves and also has stable roots, you can transplant the seedling outdoor.

Transplant the seedling outside in the garden or backyard. Be sure that the soil has sufficient nutrients to encourage the plant to grow healthy. Also, take notice of the distance between two seedlings. A full grown celery stalk can reach 1 ½ to 2 feet tall, topped with green leaves.

The plant needs lots of water to grow with healthy stalks. Growing with enough water will make the celery crisp, tender and taste better. You can also grow celery in pots and they can also thrive indoors.

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